Miss B's ShopAverage Rating2.61(based on 18 reviews)Teacher of KS3, KS4 and KS5 Philosophy, RE & Sociology. Edit shopAdd a resource
flyporshYunus and The Whale(0)A lesson on Yunus and The Whale put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshReligious Festivals and Events Recap Lesson 2(0)A lesson on Religious festivals and events put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshIntroduction to Religious Festivals & Events(0)A lesson on religious festivals and events put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshDiwali(0)A lesson on Diwali put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshEaster(0)A lesson on Easter put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshReligious Festivals and Events Recap Lesson(0)A lesson on Religious Festivals put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshSikhism(0)A lesson on Sikhism put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshIslamic Worship 2(0)A lesson on Islamic worship put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshThe Importance of RE(0)A lesson on the importance of RE put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshReligious images(0)A display of religious images that teachers can put up in their classrooms.
flyporshAQA B GCSE - 1.8 Interpreting the Genesis creation stories(0)A lesson on ‘Interpreting the Genesis creation stories’. Tweak to your liking!
flyporshAQA B GCSE - 1.10 Caring for the envrionment(0)A detailed lesson on caring for the environment. This lesson includes, images, a starter, a plenary, activities etc. Tweak to your liking!
flyporshAQA B GCSE - 12.8 - Pacifism(0)A detailed lesson on 12.8 Pacifism. It contains worksheets and questions from the textbook.
flyporshAQA B GCSE - 12.8 - Pacifism(0)Another detailed lesson on 12.8 Pacifism. This lesson is interactive and requires students to teach one another. Tweak to your liking. The textbook is not needed.
flyporshAQA A GCSE - Pilgrimage(0)A detailed lesson on Pilgrimage. This lesson can work for both low and high ability students. It contains exam style questions, worksheets etc.
flyporshAQA B GCSE - 12.8 - Pacifism(0)A set of work sheets that students can use either during the lesson or as homework – tweak to your liking.